Monday, December 29, 2008. 7:53 PM .
OMG, so little days, so much to do .
I realised so much things today...
I haven't been blogging for like ages?!
I haven't start on my homework....
I haven't help Shao Hui to do up the Heritage Project...
I haven't really accept the fact that JonT started with his homework...
I haven't' get ready for school reopen...
OMG, it's really crazy for me to face the reality. The fact is, that I wish I could have more time. Anyway, I also have to organise a final outing for Desmond and friends, it's so chaotic. CALM DOWN! Anyway, I will be blogging again, to revive my what-you-called-as-dead blog. And I wish Shao Hui could give me a souvenir from China, not China milk can le.